
Can we be artists without the pressure to commercialise our work?

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Being an artist is who one is. It’s certainly who you are Georgie. It’s not the art that pressures the commercialization. It’s capitalism that has made us feel that all our time must be productive (making money and spending it). It’s really quite rebellious to create art just for the sake of it. And I know you enjoy a wee bit of rebellion as much as I do.

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Thanks for such a heartfelt article Georgie! From my perspective, the fact that you have this internal urge to create means you’re an artist. And your creations are stunning! I’m sure I’m not alone among your readers in looking forward to your posts for the beauty you share every week. I hope you feel free to create what your heart draws you to, without commercial pressure. But you, and all the wonderful artists out there deserve fair reward for your craft.

I totally hear you on listening to your body and adjusting. I’m definitely in a season of walks right now. Slower exercise in nature is what my body is screaming for, so I’m responding!

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