Jul 23Liked by Georgie St Clair

Creativity is an amazing gift given to all of us! I particular loved the open-ness that it brings us… what a great trait to have!

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100% It's want makes us human! Thanks for stopping by to have a read x

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Jul 21Liked by Georgie St Clair

Thanks for such a great article Georgie! I’ve definitely noticed a boost to my own wellbeing and reduced stress levels from spending more time on creativity. My current day job doesn’t have much leeway for creativity but since deciding to start a side-hustle I find myself inspired by simple things such as website and digital product design. My brain feels refreshed after the sluggishness I’ve had the past couple of years, and I feel energised and alive again. Substack is helping too, now that I’ve started writing I find all sorts of ideas popping into my head. Great to hear that this might even help me live a longer (happier) life!

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I’m so glad this resonated with you Holly! Your words: ‘I feel energised and alive again’ - wow I want to shout those words from the roof tops! That’s the power of creativity right there 😍 and like you say the more you create the more the ideas the ideas flow and Substack is such a great space to explore this creativity. Thanks for sharing your journey here x

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It really did Georgie! I'm loving the Substack community, such a supportive and inspiring place to be 🌞

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